Mobility scooter quality, standards and certificates: How is Scoozy tested? Scoozy is approved according to EN12184. To ensure that we meet this European standard, Scoozy has been extensively tested by ourselves, our suppliers and various independent test institutes. This blo... MDR en12184 inspection scoozy snow testen
Scoozy: An electric wheelchair, a scooter or a microcar? We regularly get the question: "What exactly is Scoozy?" Is it a powered wheelchair, mobility scooter or a micro-mobility solution? To provide more clarity about this, we will tell you more about our ... Mobility scooter cheap mobility scooter comparing design disabled dutch design electric bike electric wheelchair electric wheelchair with joystick elektric mobility scooter microcar mobility scooters new mobility scooter opel rocks e scootmobiel accident scoozy
Scoozy's design: safety as a spearhead. Whether it concerns a bicycle, a car or a scooter; you have to be able to fully trust that your means of transport is safe. This is not always the case when it comes to mobility scooters. In this blog... SWOV active breaking fall over scoozy veilige scootmobiel veiligheid